Diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, and throat.
This is the field of medicine specializing in the areas of the ear, nose and throat (also referred to as ENT).

Our otolaryngologists in this field are trained in both the medical and surgical aspects, therefore, offering each of our patients the most appropriate and beneficial health care

If you are suffering from:
- Hearing loss
- Sleep disorders
- Snoring
Or planning to have any facial plastic and re-constructive surgeries, you should seek advice from one of our otolaryngologists here at PMH.
ENT procedures:
- Caldwell sinus operation
- Ear/nose/throat infections
- Hearing treatments
- Sinuses and allergies
- Tinnitus treatment
- Vertigo
- Nose surgery
- Tonsillectomy
- Audiogram and ear surgery

Efficient Consultations
We value your time. Our streamlined processes ensure that your consultations are efficient without compromising the quality of care. Your journey to better health starts with a hassle-free experience.
Call us to schedule an appointment.
Our Way of Operation

Select Expert Doctor
Choosing an expert doctor is crucial for ensuring quality care.

Make Appointment
We are here to assist you with scheduling your appointment.

Get Consultation
Highly specialized healthcare consultants for your needs.

Get Care & Relief
Experience consistent care and relief from our team of experts.
Pattaya Memorial Hospital
Chonburi, Thailand, 20150